
Moontide quartet sequal
Moontide quartet sequal

moontide quartet sequal
  1. Moontide quartet sequal plus#
  2. Moontide quartet sequal series#

  • The Inquisitors from the same series win the Lottery by cheating.
  • However, the known properties of some metals (specifically, aluminum and duralumin) can only be used in conjunction with another metal, so those Mistings are considered to have lost the lottery. Of course, Vin herself in some ways wins the lottery over other Mistborn, as she has some powers they don't have thanks to a nasty bit of Hemalurgy performed by her mother, and being a proto-god.

    moontide quartet sequal

    This may seem like (and in many circumstances is) a complete advantage over the lesser "Mistings", but as Vin discovers, having only one power means you get a whole lot more practice with it — in other words, in some ways you're better than any Mistborn, and can be just as useful.

  • Somewhat subverted in the Mistborn books — in allomancy (the basic magic system), most people have one of the basic powers (superstrength, super-senses, limited telekinetic control of metal, etc.) while the eponymous Mistborn have all of them.
  • Things get really ridiculous when he gets his second Unique Title, "Child of Agalope", which cuts his Mana requirements to use his powers by half and doubles their effectiveness again, meaning that for as long as his Mana holds out, he can put the whammy on almost any being in the System. The System itself seems to be somewhat worried about the potential of this power, despite giving him the Unique Title "Mesmer's Heir", which doubles the effectiveness of his powers, since in combination with his Demi-god level Charisma and his Class Skill "Indirect Suggestion", he can probably pull off More Than Mind Control.

    moontide quartet sequal

    In Mind Games, James is the first person ever with the System Class "Mesmerist".In Maximum Ride, while most of the flock have some sort of minor superpower as a result of their mutations, Angel can read (and control) minds, speak with fish, and change her appearance despite being no older than seven.The combination allowed it to casually tear apart Coroulis, a major city. Monstrous example in The Iron Teeth: the City Killer is a drake (already one of the strongest monsters in the setting) that's also a powerful crystal host, sporting enhanced size, deadly ice breath and possibly even an intellect.Proxy turns out to have all these powers AND high-level precog. Special mention must also go out to the Wyrdcraft clan and Tesseract, who all share the power of mastery over time and space including: space-warping, teleportation, mass teleportation, hammerspace, time-travel, casual travel to parallel realities, self-duplication, and turning into an invulnerable fourth-dimensional monster that can throttle people from the far side of the world (though only Tess exhibits this last one.Then there are totally out-of-left field wins like Mark, who has the power of limitless time-stops. Or take Denis, who is related to half a dozen people who can each manipulate minds or emotions to a limited degree, one can induce bliss, another terror, a jedi mind-trick and some minor memory tinkering, while he himself can induce emotions, sensations and to a point thoughts and imperatives in anyone within his line of sight. Super-strength and toughness are the most common power, but only a half dozen or so people are physical gods. Even then, many people have powers similar to another Infected, but far more powerful or versatile. We don't see much of these unfortunates though, as most heroes and villains have by definition won the lottery enough to be interesting. The Infected ninety percent of the titular Infected (think Mutants, with mental illness as an added bonus) are said to have useless or nearly useless powers, things like glowing in the dark or sweat that smells like fresh-baked bread.And even worse, it's his ultimate fate to die in a Heroic Sacrifice after losing nearly everything he cares about. Unfortunately, the price of his lottery ticket was watching his lover go insane and commit suicide.

    Moontide quartet sequal plus#

    In an accident involving the creation of a Gate, he receives just about every one of the Heralds' Psychic Powers plus enough magical power to level a city. Vanyel Ashkevron, the hero of the Last Herald-Mage trilogy of the Heralds of Valdemar series, wins the lottery and then some.Zoey Redbird, the series' protagonist, can control all five elements - Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit - something that no other vampyre in history has been capable of.

    moontide quartet sequal

  • In The House of Night, vampyres who can control one element are rare and vampyres who can control more than one element are even rarer.

  • Moontide quartet sequal